Thursday, April 17, 2008

Getting Started

In as much as I decided to start this blog today I really haven't given any thought to what to write, so let's see what happens.

Today let's look at the war in Iraq. Let me first state that I am a Veteran Navy Submariner and as a Vet I can't think of enough good things to praise the guys and gals of todays armed forces. Everyone of them are HEROS in my mind.

Back to my subject. This war that was hatched in the minds of the President,
Vice-President and former Sec. of Defense should never have been allowed to continue after we sucessfully got rid of the dictatorship there! This especially true as we found that the reasons given by our government to go to war were all lies! At that point Congress should have taken action to end the war by any means possible since the President wouldn't.

The simple truth is that since our government refused to end the war at that point, they have killed over 4000 of our fighting men and women. This is not only a tragedy but in my mind a criminal act. the continuing war has not only cost us so many lives but has helped to ruin our economy, ruin or reputation world wide and completely bypassed the important issue of the
war on terror in Afghanistan.

I will stop here for today as I tend to get very emotional when talking or writing about this and other things.